• Funding program Investment Road and Rail Program
  • Status Completed
  • Transport mode Road
  • Expected start/finish Mid 2019 - Early 2020
  • Estimated project cost $3,880,000
  • Australian Government contribution $3,100,000
  • Local Council/Shire Boulia Shire Council
  • State QLD

Project description

The project involves approximately 17.13km of works to widen the existing road to a six-metre seal on an eight-metre formation.


The project is expected to deliver the following benefits:

  • reduced travel time for all road users
  • reduced costs to freight operators and improved route reliability through a decrease in road closures and reduced vehicle operating costs
  • improved economic opportunities for all industries (such as mining and tourism) through improved access across the region
  • reduced accidents by improving the overall safety of the route


The Australian Government will provide 80% of the project costs capped up to a contribution of $3.1 million, subject to Queensland providing 20% of the project costs.


Construction commenced in June 2019 and was completed in April 2020.

Project last updated:

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