The aim of the program is to encourage an increase in active transport through the upgrade of existing and construction of new bicycle and walking pathways across Australia.

The program has been created as part of the Australian Government’s commitment, under the National Road Safety Strategy 2021-30, to improve road safety outcomes for bicyclists and pedestrians. The program also supports the Australian Government’s commitment to reducing transport emissions and supporting active and liveable communities. The applications were open to all state and territory governments and Local Government Authorities (LGAs) and applications were required to directly address at least one of the program’s focus areas which are linked to active transport priorities.

The focus areas for the program are:

  • road safety
  • reducing transport emissions
  • active and liveable communities.

Successful projects announced, by jurisdiction, can be found listed below:

More information and resources are available at Active Transport Fund—Resources.

Contact us

If you have questions in relation to the Active Transport Fund, please contact us by email: