The Safer Local Roads and Infrastructure Program (SLRIP) commenced on 1 July 2024 to provide funding for projects to address current and emerging priorities in road infrastructure needs.
The SLRIP has been created as part of the Australian Government’s commitment to strengthen investment to support the delivery of safer and more productive roads across Australia. Funding of at least $200 million per year will be available under the program.
The SLRIP consolidates the Bridges Renewal Program (BRP) and Heavy Vehicle Safety and Productivity Program (HVSPP) into a single program, and includes additional new focus areas.
The SLRIP is an application-based merit-assessed funding program, open to all state and territory governments and Local Government Authorities (LGA). Applications must directly address at least one of the program’s focus areas which are linked to priorities in road infrastructure needs. Over time focus areas may be updated as new road infrastructure priorities are identified.
Applications can be submitted for projects in every focus area, all year. It is expected that applications will be assessed in batches three times per year.
Existing approved BRP and HVSPP projects will continue to be delivered under SLRIP until they are completed, in accordance with the guidelines and funding agreement under which they were approved.
To streamline reporting processes under SLRIP, BRP and HVSPP projects will move to quarterly reporting as outlined in the program guidelines, which can be found on the Safer Local Roads and Infrastructure Program - Resource web page.
Successful Projects under SLRIP Tranche 1
Successful projects announced by jurisdiction can be found here:
The Heavy Vehicle Rest Area initiative
The Heavy Vehicle Rest Area (HVRA) initiative supports the construction of new and upgraded heavy vehicle rest areas. In line with the forecasted growth in truck freight over the coming decades, the HVRA aims to improve road safety for heavy vehicle drivers and other road users through addressing the shortage of heavy vehicle rest stops in locations of need. The initiative provides $140 million of Australian Government funding over 10 years, to 2031-32.
The HVRA sits under the SLRIP with its own separate focus area. Applications under the HVRA are required to meet all requirements under the SLRIP, directly address the Heavy Vehicle Rest Area focus area, as well as additional HVRA‑specific requirements as outlined in the guidelines.
Successful Projects under the HVRA initiative
The table linked contains the projects approved under the initiative.
Locations of need for heavy vehicle rest stops - online survey
The Department values input from heavy vehicle drivers and other road users on locations that require a new or upgraded rest area. To provide your input via a short survey, please click on this link or scan the QR code below.

How to apply for the SLRIP
For information on the application process and mandatory requirements for funding under the SLRIP, please refer to the program guidelines on the Safer Local Roads and Infrastructure Program - Resource web page.
The SLRIP is open for applications all year round. Tranche 3 is currently open and closes on 31 May 2025.
The Department facilitated a webinar on Friday 28 June 2024 to introduce the SLRIP including explaining the application process, eligibility requirements and a Q&A session.
You can view the webinar recording below. If you require further information please contact the Department.
Contact us
All enquiries can be addressed to