Applicant Organisation | Project Name | Project Description | Australian Government Funding Amount ($) | Total Project Costs ($) |
Town of Cottesloe | Town of Cottesloe - Design and upgrade of the Marine Parade Shared Pathway, North Street to Curtin Avenue. | The project involves upgrading the existing pathway along Marine Parade between Curtin Avenue and North Street. The pathway has been recognised as a Primary Route in the Department of Transport’s Long-Term Cycle Network (LTCN). Approximately 4km of the pathway will be widened and upgraded to improve the safety of road users (cyclists, pedestrians) by diverting them off a high vehicle volume distributor road. | $4,175,000 | $4,375,000 |
Shire of Dowerin | Shire of Dowerin - Footpath Upgrade and extension of the Memorial Avenue, East Street, and Goldfields Road footpaths, Dowerin. | This project will replace the existing narrow and unsafe footpaths and add new connecting paths along Memorial Avenue, East Street, and Goldfields Road. The new 2.5 km of footpath will be widened to 2.4 metres to accommodate shared usage. The footpath is used by all members of the Dowerin community including school children travelling to and from school and the park, families walking to the park & recreation precincts and the elderly. | $316,784 | $633,568 |
City of Karratha | City of Karratha - Construction of Path Links for Bathgate and Dampier Road. | Construction of 1.3km of missing path links along Bathgate and Dampier Road to connect to the shopping centre. | $774,000 | $1,548,000 |
City of Canning | City of Canning - Design and Construction of Wharf Street (Rail to River) Shared Use Path – Cannington. | The proposed active transport infrastructure improvements will increase connectivity between Metronet's Elevated Rail Project and the Canning River Regional Park through the Canning City Centre by constructing 620 metres of new path and upgrade 700 metres of existing path. The new and upgraded paths will be constructed to a shared use path width of 3.0 metres to improve active transport for nearby facilities including two local schools, Cannington Leisureplex, Coker Park and the Queens Park and Cannington Stations. Other infrastructure improvements include new formal pedestrian crossing facilities, parking embankments and intersection improvements. | $1,111,682 | $3,429,430 |
City of Mandurah | City of Mandurah - Construction of Falcon Coastal Shared Path. | The Falcon Coastal Shared Path project plans to build a path stretching along the entire coast of Falcon. This path will link up with existing coastal paths in Wannanup to the south and Halls Head to the north, covering a total distance of about 3.9 kilometres. | $4,848,000 | $9,782,200 |
City of Gosnells | City of Gosnells - finalise design and commence construction of missing shared path and lighting, Nicholson Road, Canning Vale. | This project will construct 1400 metres of coloured concrete path to complete the shared path along Nicholson Road from the prison precinct access to Acourt Road. The design would also include installation of street lighting along Nicholson Road and reduction of the posted speed along the proposed route. | $552,853 | $1,105,706 |
Shire of Cunderdin | Shire of Cunderdin - Design and Construction of Shared Pathway circular route on Watts, Togo, Yilgarn & Hodgson Street, Cunderdin. | This project involves the design and construction of new footpaths along Togo Avenue, Watts Avenue, Hodgson Street and Yilgarn Avenue, spanning approximately 3.25 kilometres with a width of 1.8 metres. These pathways will serve multiple purposes, including forming a fitness track for community use and providing safe access for students and community members traveling to school and the Cunderdin Golf Club. | $852,182 | $1,704,365 |
Shire of Boddington | Shire of Boddington - Boddington to Ranford Pathway. | Replace the 50-year-old existing 1.2 metre concrete footpath with a 2.4 metre wide asphalt dual use footpath. Overall length 1.9km. | $72,326 | $616,978 |
City of Stirling | City of Stirling - Updating Final Design and Construction of Mirrabooka Avenue Shared Path, Mirrabooka. | The project will upgrade a 1750 metre section of 2.0 to 2.5 metres wide concrete path located along one of the Secondary Routes of the City's Long-Term Cycle Network. The existing path will be replaced with a 1750 metre section of 3.0 metre wide high-quality red asphalt. The current pathway is substandard for cycling, and upgrading it will create an important link in the cycling network between the Beach Rd shared path and the Reid Highway principal shared path. There are two schools and a TAFE along and adjacent to the route, and the route provides a cycling connection into the Mirrabooka activity centre. | $902,444 | $1,804,888 |
Shire of Nannup | Shire of Nannup - Southern Bridges Shared Path. | Two 2.5 metre wide shared paths, one 237 metres and the other 146 metres long separated by Vasse Highway. Both paths will span a low-level culvert that cross Nannup and Carlotta brooks. They will tie into existing paths either end of the project. Each culvert will consist of three barrels constructed of 1050mm diameter reinforced concrete pipes, complete with headwalls at both the inlets and outlets. | $611,586 | $1,084,415 |
City of Subiaco | City of Subiaco - Design and construction of shared path along Salvado Road, Harborne Street to Haydn Bunton Drive, Subiaco. | The project will install a shared path adjacent Salvado Road on the southern side from Harborne Street to Haydn Bunton Drive. Approximately 700 metres of shared path will be constructed to improve the safety of cyclists and pedestrians. The corridor is a secondary route under the Department of Transport's Long-Term Cycle Network. The shared path will link the recently developed Subiaco Commons area to important shopping hospitality, commercial, cultural and entertainment facilities. | $603,000 | $1,206,000 |
City of Subiaco | City of Subiaco - Design and construction of Shared Path along Salvado Road, Bishop Street to Harborne Street, Subiaco. | The project will install a Shared Path adjacent Salvado Road on the southern side from Bishop Street to Harborne Street. Approximately 650 metres of shared path will be constructed to improve the safety of cyclists and pedestrians. The corridor is a secondary route under the Department of Transport's Long-Term Cycle Network. The shared path is part of the strategic East-West cycle connection between the City and the beaches. It will also link the recently developed Subiaco Commons area to the shared path. | $596,500 | $1,193,000 |