Applicant | Project Name | Project Description | Australian Government Funding Amount ($) | Total Project Cost ($) |
Douglas Shire Council | Douglas Shire Council - Port Douglas Road Principle Cycle Network Upgrade, Lakeland Avenue to Old Port Road, construction of shared path | The project will upgrade 2.1km of existing pathway along Port Douglas Road to a 2.5-3m wide shared path. The project includes;
| $1,287,660 | $2,575,320 |
Burdekin Shire Council | Burdekin Shire Council - Home Hill Walking Path Network | Construction of 2 kilometres of new 2 metre wide connected pathway in 11th Avenue from 15th Street to 17th Street, 15th Street from 11th Avenue to 14th Avenue and 14th Avenue from 4th Street to 14th Avenue to improve safety. The pathway is part of and will complete the Home Hill Walking Path Network Plan. | $566,851 | $1,133,702 |
Brisbane City Council | Brisbane City Council - Construction of Sylvan Road Bikeway | This project will complete the "missing link" between the Western Freeway Bikeway and the Bicentennial Bikeway, providing a bi directional fully separated facility over a distance of about 1.5km. This link is the final piece in providing a fully separated active transport facility from Richlands in the West to the Brisbane CBD totalling a distance of approximately 20km. | $5,000,000 | $12,000,000 |
Noosa Shire Council | Noosa Shire Council - Coastal Pathway Stage 1 - Peregian Beach Active Street | Delivery of approximately 800m of active street in conjunction with wayfinding signage and off-road pathways between the southern Shire border (generally from the David Low Way / Emu Mountain Rd roundabout) extending into and along Lorikeet Drive to Jabiru St. The project will include landscaping and upgrades to several intersections with lighting. | $785,000 | $1,570,000 |
Southern Downs Regional Council | Southern Downs Regional Council - Rosehill Road, Warwick - Shared Pathway Construction | This project is the construction of a new shared pathway along Rosehill Road from Wood Street to Victoria Street in Warwick. The shared pathway will improve the liveability in the community by connecting major roads providing infrastructure for the protection of cyclists and pedestrians in a high traffic area. It will connect multiple residential areas with parkland and services allowing for easier active transport choices during everyday life. | $750,000 | $1,500,000 |
Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads. | Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads - Chalk Drive/Neil Street Intersection and Chalk Drive/Ruthven Street Intersections Toowoomba, Cycling Works | Detailed design and construction of upgrades to Chalk Drive/ Neil Street and Chalk Drive/ Ruthven Street intersections. | $4,042,255 | $8,084,510 |
Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads. | Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads - 197 Western Yeppoon - Emu Park Road Cycling Works | Detailed design and construction of 2.5m wide Off-road shared cycle path on 197 Western Yeppoon - Emu Park Road. | $1,143,885 | $2,287,770 |
Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads. | Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads - 194 Rockhampton - Emu Park Road Cycling Works | Detailed design and construction of 2.5m wide Off-road shared cycle path on 194 Rockhampton-Emu Park Road. | $1,233,391 | $2,466,782 |
Torres Shire Council | Torres Shire Council - Design and Upgrade of the Aubrey Parade and Douglas Street footpath, Thursday Island. | The project will upgrade existing sections of pathway along Aubrey Parade and Douglas Street. Approximately 0.5km of pathway will be widened and upgraded to improve safety and accessibility. The pathway is used extensively by the local community to access services including the Hospital and sporting facilities. | $1,200,000 | $1,200,000 |
Redland City Council | Redland City Council - Construction of pathway along Torquay Road, Redland Bay | This project aims to provide pedestrians with a 500m path making a safer and more reliable route from Torquay Road to the boat ramp at Point Talburpin Park. By improving the pathway, we will ensure that pedestrians can travel safely and comfortably, reducing the likelihood of accidents and enhancing the overall accessibility of the park. | $384,059 | $768,118 |
Fraser Coast Regional Council | Fraser Coast Regional Council - Construction of a pathway along Madsen Road between Maike Drive to Urraween Road, Urraween | The project will provide for construction of new pathway along Madsen Road between Maike Drive and Urraween Road. Approximately 306 m of pathway will be constructed to provide an off-road shared facility (approx. 2.5- 2.8m in width). Works will include reinstatement of several residential and commercial driveway crossings and planting four street trees for shade. The pathway will be used by students travelling to and from two nearby schools (P- 12) and visitors to medical precinct (inc. public and private hospital). | $260,139 | $520,278 |
Redland City Council | Redland City Council - Design and Construction of pathway along Windemere Road, Alexandra Hills | This project aims to significantly improve pedestrian safety at Brompton Street with 370m of path and an upgrade of the lighting and the intersection at Brompton Street. By realigning the footpath and intersection, we will create a safer and more accessible crossing for all pedestrians. | $692,509 | $1,385,018 |
Moreton Bay Regional Council | Moreton Bay Regional Council - Bridges Road pathway construction, Morayfield | The project is located over a 1.3km section of Bridges Road in Morayfield, between Oakey Flat Road and Hauton Road. The project scope includes construction of a new pathway on the southern side of Brudges Road, new kerb ramps at Polar Court and Linden Court, and street tree planting. The length of Bridges Road falls on Council's secondary active transport network, and therefore requires the provision of an appropriate pathway in line with Council's Planning Scheme. | $450,000 | $925,241 |
Moreton Bay Regional Council | Moreton Bay Regional Council - Diamond Jubilee Way intersection crossing improvements, North Lakes | The project is located at the intersections of Diamond Jubilee Way with Discovery Drive, Memorial Drive and Endeavour Boulevard in North Lakes. The project scope includes the installation of four wombat (raised pedestrian) crossings on each left-turn slip lane of the signalised intersections, in order to enable safer active transport user access across each of the intersections. | $515,000 | $1,055,825 |
Northern Peninsula Area Regional Council | Northern Peninsula Area Regional Council - Bamaga Footpath Renewal Project | The project will upgrade existing footpath pavers on Poi Poi, Sebasio and Sagaukaz Streets in the Bamaga community. Approximately 650m of footpath consisting of broken pavers will be removed and replaced with a concrete footpath. The Poi Poi footpath are used by students travelling to and from the NPA State College (Junior Campus). The Sagaukaz Street is used by community and hospital staff to access the Bamaga Hospital and NPA State College (Senior Campuses). The Sebasio Street is used by community to access the local park that includes a playground and public toilet. | $233,338 | $285,500 |
Moreton Bay Regional Council | Moreton Bay Regional Council - Mount Mee Road (Terrors Creek) active transport bridge and pathways, Dayboro | The project is located on Mount Mee Road in Dayboro, and involves the construction of an active transport bridge across Terrors Creek, with the provision of shared pathways linking to existing infrastructure at either end of the bridge. The project is intended to resolve current accessibility sand safety issues encountered by active transport users seeking to cross Terrors Creek. | $2,000,000 | $4,120,022 |
Moreton Bay Regional Council | Moreton Bay Regional Council - Scarborough Road shared pathway upgrade, Scarborough | The project is located over a 650m section of Scarborough Road in Scarborough, between Griffith Road and Sunnyside Road, and involves the upgrade of the existing footpath on the eastern side of Scarborough Road to a 2.5m-wide shared pathway with appropriate shade tree planting, in order to encourage active transport use along a key local corridor. | $225,000 | $467,284 |
Barcoo Shire Council | Barcoo Shire Council - Urban Pathways Project | This project will create a network of pathways within three Shire towns - Jundah, Stonehenge and Windorah. The project will extend existing pathways, completing 'missing links' and creating continuous and safe connections between high use areas such as schools and community facilities. | $368,739 | $737,479 |
Lockyer Valley Regional Council | Lockyer Valley Regional Council - New footpath construction Jones Road, Withcott | Construction of approximately 235m of walkway along Jones Road, Withcott to promote active transport and connectivity for residents. Safety improvements for road users and pedestrians. | $185,713 | $371,426 |
Lockyer Valley Regional Council | Lockyer Valley Regional Council - New footpath construction Fairway Drive, Hatton Vale | Construction of approximately 470m of walkway along Fairway Drive, Hatton Vale to promote active transport and connectivity for residents. Safety improvements for road users and pedestrians. | $337,302 | $674,605 |
Lockyer Valley Regional Council | Lockyer Valley Regional Council - New footpath construction Laidley Township | Construction of approximately 1800m of walkway in the Laidley Township to promote active transport and connectivity for residents. Safety improvements for road users and pedestrians. | $632,628 | $1,265,256 |
Gladstone Regional Council | Gladstone Regional Council - Design and construction of Muirhead Street footpath, Calliope | The project will construct approximately 750 meters of pathway along Muirhead Street, completing a missing link. This pathway will provide safe access for the local primary school and the industrial precinct. | $510,444 | $1,020,888 |
Carpentaria Shire Council | Carpentaria Shire Council - Karumba Pathway | This project will construct a 2m wide concrete footpath from Karumba CBD to the Les Wilson Barramundi Discovery Centre along Yapper Street in Karumba. The pathway will be approximately 1,930 metres long. The pathway will be constructed to FNQROC standard drawing (S1035). This pathway will be used by community members and the many visitors to our region. The pathway will extend the footpath in the Karumba CBD and travel adjacent to Yapper Street to The Les Wilson Barramundi Discovery Centre, which is a major tourism attraction in the region. | $300,000 | $600,000 |
Mount Isa City Council | Mount Isa City Council - Fourth Avenue Principle Cycle Network - separable portion 2 | The project will construct the second separable portion of the Fourth Avenue Principal Cycle Network consisting of:
| $810,329 | $1,620,658 |
Mareeba Shire Council | Mareeba Shire Council - Arara Street Kuranda, pathway connection | The project will provide the critical missing link from the Barang Street intersection on Arara Street to the Kuranda Library/community precinct. The project will design and construct a 320m x2m wide footpath, 2 kerb ramps, 40m retaining wall and 211m of roadside kerbing to connect the southern end of Arara St from Barang St intersection to the Kuranda Library/community precinct. | $225,388 | $281,735 |