• Funding program Roads to Recovery Program
  • Status Completed
  • Transport mode Road
  • Expected start/finish Sep 2023 - Jun 2024
  • Estimated project cost $2,100,000
  • Australian Government contribution $1,400,000
  • Local Council/Shire South Australian Local Government Grants Commission
  • State SA

Project description

The road requires a full pavement rehabilitation and widening due to the observed width and shape issues, reconstruction of the wearing surface due to the aging spray seal giving lessor traction as well as no longer providing adequate water proofing. The significant amount of interaction seen between heavy vehicles and commuter/tourist traffic causing road geometry/width upgrades to be a much-required safety improvement. There are also significant stormwater issues adjacent the Seppeltsfield Winery due to the lack of formal stormwater infrastructure. Stormwater is seen to run along the edge of the seal causing additional damage, pond in poorly graded sections and ultimately spill into private property in the more extreme events. The formalisation of stormwater management, through the inclusion of kerb and pipes etc. is critical through this section

The proposed project works include pavement rehabilitation/reconstruction including localised road widening. Kerb and gutter reconstruction in areas. Local Area Traffic Management devices to manage the contrast between speed and road dimensions to promote a safer road environment. The pavement rehabilitation/reconstruction is proposed to include pavement thickening to accommodate the current traffic loadings and those anticipated in conjunction with the approved developments of the Seppeltsfield Winery, including heavy vehicle movements. The typical desired cross-section for the upgrade is proposed to include: 3.5 m wide lanes with 2 m wide shoulders (1 m sealed, 1 m unsealed) in each direction, or on-street parking and kerb and gutter, where applicable adjacent Seppeltsfield Winery as is existing. The preliminary pavement design indicating a pavement thickness with a thin bituminous surface of between 440 and 470 mm and a 40 mm asphalt wearing surface is proposed. The desired road widening, to the full desired width will prove challenging in some areas of this proposed section of Seppeltsfield Road, due to the State Heritage Date Palms lining Seppeltsfield Road. As such, in these width limited areas the use of Local Area Traffic Management devices is proposed, promoting a lower speed environment. Allowing the utilisation of 3.0 m wide traffic lanes. It is also proposed to request the Department for Infrastructure and Transport to approve the lower posted speed limit in these areas to 50 km/hr. The inclusion of formal stormwater management infrastructure, such as kerb and gutter is also proposed to be installed in areas of high flow rates and limited existing infrastructure.

Total cost of proposed project is $2,100,000

Project last updated:

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