The Local Roads and Community Infrastructure (LRCI) Program supports all Australian councils to deliver priority local road and community infrastructure projects in their region, creating jobs and long-lasting benefits for communities.

The Australian Government is committed to working in partnership with local, state and territory governments to deliver services and build infrastructure that delivers benefits and supports jobs in local communities.

The Government has committed $3.25 billion the LRCI Program over four phases. Every local government, in all 150 electorates across Australia, is allocated and able to nominate projects for LRCI Program funding.

Please contact the relevant local government organisation with questions about projects funded under the LRCI Program.

Phase 4

From July 2023, LRCI Program funding recipients were allocated $750 million in Phase 4 funding. Phase 4 funding allocations include an additional $250 million targeted to improve rural, regional and outer urban roads. Projects funded under Phase 4 are expected to be completed by 30 June 2025.

Phases 1, 2 and 3

From July 2020, an initial $500 million was made available to funding recipients to deliver Phase 1 of the LRCI Program. In December 2020, the LRCI Program was expanded to Phase 2 with an additional $1 billion in funding. A $1 billion Phase 3 of the LRCI Program was introduced in October 2021. The Government recently extended the timeframe for construction of projects funded under Phases 1, 2 and 3 to 30 June 2024.