• Funding program Roads to Recovery Program
  • Status Completed
  • Transport mode Road
  • Expected start/finish Mar 2015 - Apr 2015
  • Estimated project cost $427,000
  • Australian Government contribution $225,000
  • Local Council/Shire Rural City of Murray Bridge
  • State SA

Project description

Bremer Valley Road provides a strategic route that links the areas of Harrogate ,Rockliegh and Monarto to the township of Callington and the South Eastern Freeway. It acts as a bus route that transports student to Callington, Nairne, Mount Barker and Murray Bridge.As it stand Bremer Valley Road is councils only Rural Link Road that does not meet the basic Levels of Service as detailed above. In its current form Bremer Valley Road is unsealed with a varying width ranging from 8.5m to 9.5m and over the last 5 years has required significant maintenance resulting in nearly 400 man and plant hours allocated to Patrol Grading. This equates to an annual plant and labour allocation of 80 hours (2 weeks) and a maintenance bill of nearly $15,000 per annum.

Rehabilitate the unsealed pavement along 4.8km of Bremer Valley Road (3.4km completed in 2013/14) and a further 1.4km programed for 2014/15. R2R component of this project is to upgrade the level of service by sealing the pavement to RCMB Rural Link Standard.

Total cost of proposed project is $427,000

Project last updated:

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