• Funding program Investment Road and Rail Program
  • Status Underway
  • Transport mode Rail
  • Expected start/finish Early 2015 - TBC
  • Estimated project cost $885,720,000
  • Australian Government contribution $528,116,000
  • Local Council/Shire Ararat Rural City Council,Ballarat City Council,Buloke Shire Council,Central Goldfields Shire Council,Gannawarra Shire Council,Golden Plains Shire Council,Hepburn Shire Council,Loddon Shire Council,Mildura Rural City Council,Moorabool Shire Council,Northern Grampians Shire Council,Pyrenees Shire Council,Swan Hill Rural City Council,Yarriambiack Shire Council
  • State VIC
  • Corridor Melbourne - Mildura

Project description

The project will upgrade rail lines in north-west Victoria.

This project will standardise and upgrade the Mildura, Manangatang and Sea Lake rail lines and standardise the Murrayville line (currently broad gauge); periodic upgrade works on the Hopetoun line and will re-open the existing but currently unused standard gauge connection between Maryborough and Ararat (approximately 87 kilometres long). The project will revitalise rail in the west of Victoria by upgrading and converting this network to the same gauge as the broader interstate network. 

The Project requires works both on and off the National Rail Network.


The project will better connect primary producers in north-west Victoria with the ports of Portland, Geelong and Melbourne. The project is expected to improve the productivity and efficiency of freight networks, and to improve road safety by moving freight from road to rail.


The estimated cost of the project is $885.72 million. The Australian Government is contributing $528.11 million and the Victorian Government $357.60 million.

The Australian Government's contribution includes $5 million to fund further planning work to develop options for full standardisation of the Network, which is contingent on an equal contribution from the Victorian Government.


Construction commenced in February 2015 and the complettion date is yet to be determined.

Project last updated:

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