• Funding program Investment Road and Rail Program
  • Status In planning
  • Transport mode Road
  • Expected start/finish Mid 2024 - Late 2026
  • Estimated project cost $28,000,000
  • Australian Government contribution $22,400,000
  • Local Council/Shire Shire of Carnarvon,Shire of Cue,Shire of Meekatharra,Shire of Mount Magnet,Shire of Murchison,Shire of Northampton,Shire of Sandstone,Shire of Shark Bay,Shire of Upper Gascoyne,Shire of Wiluna,Shire of Yalgoo
  • State WA

Project description

The project will prioritise the upgrade of key grain freight routes on local roads across the Mid West region. The prioritised work will focus on providing sealed shoulders, widening traffic lanes to safely accommodate grain trucks, signage installations and line marking.

The project will improve road safety, freight efficiency, connectivity and lead to travel time savings for local road users. It will allow for the effective movement of grain harvest to ensure Australia remains globally competitive in the grain exports sector and support other local industries in moving their goods and services to market.


  • Improved freight productivity and access to freight gateways
  • Improved efficiency and network reliability
  • Improved road safety for all road users


The Australian Government has committed $22.4 million towards the $28 million project.


The project is expected to commence in mid 2024 and be completed by late 2026.

Project last updated:

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